Why You Should Include Paneer in Your Diet
Why You Should Include Paneer in Your Diet

 If chicken is ever-so-versatile food for non-vegetarians, paneer is the most beloved obsession for vegetarians.  And why not, this wholesome food option can blend in any preparations, be it dry or gravy, be it breakfast or dinner. Paneer or Cottage cheese is a protein packed delicious which make desserts too.  If you do not aware of the benefits of paneer, it's high time you get to know what wonders it can do to you. Here are 7 health benefits of paneer (cottage cheese) that will make you add more of the creamy wonder to your diet.

 1. Rich in Protein:

Cottage cheese is a rich source of protein also it has a good amount of fat. Fat which you require essentially!  Other than iron, almost all essential minerals like calcium and magnesium are present in cottage cheese. Cow's milk contains the highest amount of casein protein among other kinds of milk. Therefore cottage cheese derived out of cow's milk is one rich source of protein you can load up on. Another highlight of cottage cheese is that it does not require any cooking and can be consumed directly. A cube of raw paneer, therefore, makes for a powerhouse of protein.

2. Strengthen Bones and Teeth

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of calcium and adequate calcium levels ensure healthy bones, teeth, healthy heart muscles and smooth nerve functioning too. Experts say that cottage cheese can fulfill 8% of the daily recommended calcium dose of as100 grams of cottage cheese has 83 grams of protein!

3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

Cottage cheese is packed with magnesium which not only checks the untimely spikes but also ensures better heart health and immune system. The high protein component of paneer also helps the slow release of sugar into the blood and prevents abrupt hike and decline in blood sugar levels.

4. Good for Heart Health

Cottage cheese is amazing for your heart health. It contains potassium which has a key role in the fluid balance of the body. Potassium not only helps regulate the ideal fluid balance but also negate the effects of too much salt.

5. Improves Digestion

Cottage cheese also aids digestion. It has a decent amount of phosphorous which helps in digestion and excretion. The magnesium present in cottage cheese can also prevent constipation as it has a laxative effect.

6. Rich Source of Folate

Folate is a B-complex vitamin which is very essential for pregnant women. Folate helps fetal development in expecting mothers. Apart from this, folate plays a crucial part in red blood cells production too.

7. Boosts Weight Loss

If you are working for losing weight you should include more paneer to your diet. The protein dense paneer can keep you satiated for long keeping the hunger pangs at bay. In addition to being rich in protein, it is also a rich source of conjugated linoleic acid. This fatty acid helps in increasing the fat burning process in the body. So make sure you eat paneer regularly to watch your weight.

*Reference: food.ndtv.com
